Tuesday, 10 July 2018

A Recurrent Lifeguard

The website that I present to  you this time , its both a tool and enterteiment (for the people whi enjoy reading all sort of things, especialy the scientific kind) , Im talking about" ISI Web of Science". A short back story:  In first year  of the univercity I had a lot of problems looking for appropiate information for essays and reports,  that problem  continued until I take  the course of  "Information Resources on the Web " with mr. Calandra. In the fourth class we learned of ISI Web of  Science, it was like love at first sight. Since the first use ,  it turned in a sort of "ace under the sleeve " for me . The website compile essays,  papers, magazines and a lot of scientific publications in diferent lenguajes, but most of the content its in english . In generl the users need to pay an amount of money per month , but  the Univercity of chile provide a free acces for students and teacher( but you need to acces from Biblioteca Universidad de Chile). So, if  you are in a research ,  or just want to  read  and learn,  I recomend  this website .

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