Thursday, 18 October 2018

Welcome to the mountain ♪ ♫

It was right away after thenew year in 2010, I was 14 . My family decided to visit my grandparents in Linares. They were Living in Vega de Salas. The plan was simple: we met in a supermarket in the city, to buy food and stuff in order to go to the mountains, specifically the sector of Monte Oscuro, where the pejerrey was abundant. We rest in their house and depart at  5 am. After 2 hours we reached the end of the road for vehicles and  we started walking, there wasn’t much  paths,  so we just  followed my grandpa who knowed those mountains. We crossed two rivers ,and had lunch before the third. After 8 hours we seted the camp . There weren´t pumas alerts, but we let a bonfire all the night, just in case. I wasn’t allowed to accompany my grandpa and dad because the road was dangerous, also someone needed to help the rest of the group to carry water and cook. Even so, we catch some fishes in the nearest river, and a crab!. It was amazing, really exhausting but nice.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    That should be a more precise location

  3. Hi! did You took the photos? are from there?
