Saturday, 15 December 2018

Privilege / Right?

Without doubt this has been  one of the most controvertial themes  at international level nowadays. Just a couple of days ago our country decided to retire from  the migration pact acorded by  ONU, whose motto was " the  migration is a human right".

" We should change the national anthem" commented a  social specialist in the newspapers, and he's right .Till today, that event its analized and debated  in the  social networks , radio and the tv.

A similar case, but a coupleof  levels above , its USA, were people are triying  to enter  by the force, facing the border troops in the process.

I think that the curremt situation is just a problem of the criteria and the context,  because in Chile case , the government  in turn let European imigrants settle in the south  a centurie  ago. USA and their problem with the ilegal imigrants  from Mexico its old, the only difference is that the current president its more estrict tan the previus ones.
 We could say that Chile its in a state of transition "from being like Canada to become USA” in imigration laws terms , because since the  past decade rate of  imigrants in Chile skyrocketed  but with a lack in the filter process, in consecuense lots of criminals sneak in the country . This just make  the public image of the imigrants was worse than before.

From  the  professionals  to  the most  modest workers , all of them were put in the same sack with burglars and criminals, add that to  a country full of  prejuicies helped the xenophobia to arise and expand. If we don´t make a social and politic change ,  worst things will happen in the near future.

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