Saturday 22 December 2018

That's all Folks

It was very educative, I had experience working on blogs from the previus english course, but the videos was  something new, it helps a lot but was really dificcult. Just for the first video it taked me more tan four hours to say the first minute in half fluent way, and another 4 hours to make a decent video,  the gesticulation and modulation was the worst for me.
This semester  the english was the best tool to look for information on internet to do differents Works (as always), but this semester  I take biochimestry, and like some  people told me , the teacher do three quarters of his class in english.
As for now, I think that my Reading skills as improved but i had a lack in other aspects, but again making videos or practicing listeing my voice help a lot.
If we dont count the  technical english courses, this is the  last course of english in this faculty but  Im considerathing to take english 5 in Bouchef,  yes going from Antumapu to Bouchef twice per week could sound harsh, but could be helpfull  next year, if everithing work out. Next summer I start working with a teacher  in order to compose my tesis , and the english Will be in all the process, from   gathering the information   to the  final presentation.
It will take time , but improve this lenguaje  its very important right now for  the university   and for what comes next. Its said that  “The practice make the master”, and that applied for everything  even the english, so we need can’t afford to waste time.

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