Wednesday 18 April 2018

My autobiography

I was born in Santiago (1996), and since my early childhood,   my family had move  almost six times  (between Santiago and the fifth region) due my dad´s  work. Then  in 2004 whe move to Chacabuco Province, near Chicauma Road we stay there for almost 3 years. Even now as adult, i think those 3 years where  more long ,( maybe for the  diferent perception of time, or the lack of preocupations and maturity) but  witouth a doubt  , and along with my four years in high school , that forge me as person. One of the biggest effects its my actual state in educational terms, because   even when 
I moved from mathematic  to humanistic (3º and 4º respectively  )  in highschool , I ended  studing in the path to be an agricultural engineer , due my periode of live in Chicauma Road.

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