Thursday, 8 November 2018

Dodge or Die.

“Videogames, a good way to loss  time when you have nothing better to do ” my mom says, and I agree cuz  there are cases like my brother, who plays like 6 hours  in school-days and the electricity bill shows how much  on weekends(jajaja). True its that nowadays popular videogames are violent and repetitives, the so called Batle-royal. But thats just one genre and  there are a lot of them. Some people says that like in books, your videogames preferences are the reflex of your personality. In my case, I play games for the music(OST), the mechanics and the story, sometimes those factors are present in the same game, most of times no, for example there is a game with excelent music , but the story and mechanics are bad.

 With the poor free-time that is left every day I can affort 1 hour to play and read(more tan an hour implies sleep 4 hours or less and thats unhealthy), on that time I play a Card Video game, but  its oline, so when the internet its slow I play the clasics RPG’s or Vertical Shoothers. The first ones shows good stories and a decent OST , and the second ones are made to improbe your réflex and eye-hand coordination(most of them are crazy dificult), there are a sub genre called "Shoot 'em up" ("Hell Bullet" for the ones that know ) I love them.


  1. "Touhou 4, Lotus Land Story" for pc-98 it's the most difficult game that I ever play. I warn and recommend you all to play it.

  2. Ohhh I do enjoy a lot the music in videogames, I think that is one of the important things, a videogame without a great soundtrack is nothing.

  3. I suggest you to play the videogame(my favourite) which gather all you 3 factors. It`s name its World of Warcraft(or WoW).

  4. My brother plays way too much too, he spends all afternoon playing on his PC.
