Thursday, 3 May 2018

A piece of me ♪♫♬ .

The Thechnology has been here along with the rising of our species. In the begining was to facilty our labors , with knowing and tools . That pair has evolve to the form of the technology that we know.. Nowadays its found in almost everithing, Jobs, medicine, food, agriculture, our daily actions , our hobbies, etc.For me , there are three pieces of technolgy that i found indispensable. My smathphone and Pc , I considere both equals in importnce, as tools for recreation and study.But time to time, those two must be changed for new ones, due the effect of the “programmable Obsolescence ”. I could say this its a cicle, if it weren’t for my favorite and indispensable piece of technology : My Headphones. Its a cheap and really old model, I bought them eight years ago and it must be repared twice in a year, but it work well.


  1. Programmed obsolescence is terrible, all technology today is programmed to fail and buy another new one, that's why I prefer old technology

  2. Yeah, famous examples are the light bulbs and cell phones , like the legendary nokia 3310(insanely resistant) , and it's said that there is a company of firefighters in North America, who holds hold lightbulb with hundread years :D.
    But if you take care of your things, they thend to extend their utility life.
