Thursday 10 May 2018

Foreigners: currently situation.

“And you Will see how they appreciate a friend when he is foreigner”. Thats the last estrophe of the song “If you travel to Chile”, who could explain the whole situation of the country in this moment, just with that lack of the presition in the word “appreciate”. The imigration its something who hapened in the story of the mankind, our own country had the spain colones, who were the foreigners of two centuries ago. But what its the diference between the people who is arriving now and the germans who poblated the south? The politics and the public opinion were diferent, now most of the foregeins dont have papers, and the profetionals hardly find a job, because most of the workplaces give preferences to the local profetionals and then its this wave of recent crimes who involucres foreigns. This topic will remain whitout doubt, but witout a answer who could please everyone.

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