Saturday, 22 December 2018

That's all Folks

It was very educative, I had experience working on blogs from the previus english course, but the videos was  something new, it helps a lot but was really dificcult. Just for the first video it taked me more tan four hours to say the first minute in half fluent way, and another 4 hours to make a decent video,  the gesticulation and modulation was the worst for me.
This semester  the english was the best tool to look for information on internet to do differents Works (as always), but this semester  I take biochimestry, and like some  people told me , the teacher do three quarters of his class in english.
As for now, I think that my Reading skills as improved but i had a lack in other aspects, but again making videos or practicing listeing my voice help a lot.
If we dont count the  technical english courses, this is the  last course of english in this faculty but  Im considerathing to take english 5 in Bouchef,  yes going from Antumapu to Bouchef twice per week could sound harsh, but could be helpfull  next year, if everithing work out. Next summer I start working with a teacher  in order to compose my tesis , and the english Will be in all the process, from   gathering the information   to the  final presentation.
It will take time , but improve this lenguaje  its very important right now for  the university   and for what comes next. Its said that  “The practice make the master”, and that applied for everything  even the english, so we need can’t afford to waste time.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

A Better Order

If Im not wrong  6 months ago  I had  a speak with the president  of the students council about this theme. The actual structure of the program of studies had  been adjusted  since long ago, some signatures where added  others has been removed, and others had  their semester exclusivility  changed , specially in the cases of  practice III and IV, in that way the students  who reproved some course can  still finish the pregrade in five years. But there its a heavy problem in the proximity whit some áreas, because there are ones that are for the forth year and don't had something related before, and with just one year remaining  most of the students wont consider make the tesis in that deparment. For example: Post harvest its a symblic  case; most of the people barely know of its existense , and just like that countless laboratories  had a lack of students. In practice I and II the teachers invite another teachers to give a speaks everal times during the semester, in that way I ended working all the summer in a laboratorie. In other words, what they need its  something smilar to publicity, but even with that the interest of the students its the  important factor. In face of that situation, we thought about make a manual titled  “Manual del Mechón”, a compilation of hints , facts and other information who could help the new students to adapt and know more from their university, and   that could help old students also .

And for the post-grade, the continuity of studies its awesome,  and well they had courses acording to their área, so its more organized than the pre-grade.

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Privilege / Right?

Without doubt this has been  one of the most controvertial themes  at international level nowadays. Just a couple of days ago our country decided to retire from  the migration pact acorded by  ONU, whose motto was " the  migration is a human right".

" We should change the national anthem" commented a  social specialist in the newspapers, and he's right .Till today, that event its analized and debated  in the  social networks , radio and the tv.

A similar case, but a coupleof  levels above , its USA, were people are triying  to enter  by the force, facing the border troops in the process.

I think that the curremt situation is just a problem of the criteria and the context,  because in Chile case , the government  in turn let European imigrants settle in the south  a centurie  ago. USA and their problem with the ilegal imigrants  from Mexico its old, the only difference is that the current president its more estrict tan the previus ones.
 We could say that Chile its in a state of transition "from being like Canada to become USA” in imigration laws terms , because since the  past decade rate of  imigrants in Chile skyrocketed  but with a lack in the filter process, in consecuense lots of criminals sneak in the country . This just make  the public image of the imigrants was worse than before.

From  the  professionals  to  the most  modest workers , all of them were put in the same sack with burglars and criminals, add that to  a country full of  prejuicies helped the xenophobia to arise and expand. If we don´t make a social and politic change ,  worst things will happen in the near future.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

The Sacrifice Zones

Of course  nowadays there are differents environment problems in the world , the climate change alone cause disasters every month and even when people can be blamed for an amount of that crisis, in some cases the people are the only cause of the problem, especialy the  ones related to contamination , in Chile its the case of the “Sacrifice Zones” this clasification its used when a place habited by people its afected by the contamination of a determinated industrie and they  doesn’t had help from the government due a conflict of interest, traduced into a lack of intervention in the problem. The time goes by and the environment  condition just keep getting worse  and thus the conditions of the habitants life(in health and economics ways).There are several of this places, Quintero its just the  manifestation of decades of contamination, because this problems don’t appear  in one night , it just happened that come  to the surface thanks to the schools contamination problem.
Others  cases  that don't appear on Tv are  Mejillones and Huasco, in both cases the problem is the emition of  particle material  from the Mining Industries on the air, this kind of contamination its on the same category of Quintero, the toxins are in their water and the rate of respiratory  diceases its considerable . The only diference its that in their case, the  regional autorities listened the people and saw the potential problem, thanks to that  some industrial projects where canceled .
But in no time could appear another case.

That money  is whort of the people health and the environment contamination?
What is doing our government?

Thursday, 22 November 2018

What to do after??

 A postgrade course its without doubt a good way to improve your profetional status, and it will give differents  and more options to work. I would like to take more tan one postgrade studies; in the close furture, a Master  in this University , by the continued studies program, that gives the oportunity of start a master course in the fifth year of the regular carrer, the requeriments aren’t that dificult, and there is a  discount fee and that will be just one more year  added to the normal length of the career.

The option of  start another carrer who could potentiate the current one, would be something to do after a couple of years to work,  in order to save  money. In the  case of a PHD I will apply for studyng in Europe, there are universities who investigate on  the plants that I’m intersted in . 

For the master or the phd I need to finish a monography on this summer, then present it to a teacher, and  if everything  goes well, I just will need to ask for a bank loan  and perfectionate 2 lenguajes (one of them english). Unless I get a job working  on  European laboratories, I would come back to  work, save money ,and take other postgrades, all in order to end working as a consultant.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Dream Job

Well, I always liked  to work on something related to the soil , plants and minerals, so being an Agronomical Engineer  its a good chooise (if you see my preferences). But about the job,   I dream to work as  consultant, and at some point just work in that because usually its a secondary job. I know about that job  since long ago , and they are in almost all the lines of work. The pay its good, and you can have free time .
 In general  a consultant is a professional who people calls to solve  problems , design something or give advice on a matter.  I know  two consultants in the university, and in may of the  previus year  I asked them about their experiences, and  my previus tought was close to their answers. Some important facts:
- There isn’t a “title”  to be a consultant.
- The “Fame” its a factor equal to experience and even more important, because it doesn’t mater all the degres that you earn if no one ask for your help.
 -Its important to know abut al the subjects in your study area  and had contacts from others(like a lawyer).
- “If you ever make a big mistake , think in moving  to another country”. 
So , I need to graduate, work, gain experience and maybe in 15 years I could work as a consultant.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Dodge or Die.

“Videogames, a good way to loss  time when you have nothing better to do ” my mom says, and I agree cuz  there are cases like my brother, who plays like 6 hours  in school-days and the electricity bill shows how much  on weekends(jajaja). True its that nowadays popular videogames are violent and repetitives, the so called Batle-royal. But thats just one genre and  there are a lot of them. Some people says that like in books, your videogames preferences are the reflex of your personality. In my case, I play games for the music(OST), the mechanics and the story, sometimes those factors are present in the same game, most of times no, for example there is a game with excelent music , but the story and mechanics are bad.

 With the poor free-time that is left every day I can affort 1 hour to play and read(more tan an hour implies sleep 4 hours or less and thats unhealthy), on that time I play a Card Video game, but  its oline, so when the internet its slow I play the clasics RPG’s or Vertical Shoothers. The first ones shows good stories and a decent OST , and the second ones are made to improbe your réflex and eye-hand coordination(most of them are crazy dificult), there are a sub genre called "Shoot 'em up" ("Hell Bullet" for the ones that know ) I love them.